9/19/07 Today's Ride -- Power Up

Route: 28.48 miles, short Woodbine loop.
Weather: Sunny, 84 degrees, 4 mph wind.
Performance: average speed 16.6 mph, time 1:42:52. Average HR 149 bpm. Average power 166 watts, maximum power 771 watts. Work 1028 kJ.
Motionbased.com link: http://trail.motionbased.com/trail/activity/4001647
Comment: Dropout problems with my PowerTap hub fixed, I headed out with long-distance aspirations. My legs suggested otherwise. Not bad for my first ride in almost two weeks, though. Ambling around in downtown Corbin on the way back no doubt dropped my average speed significantly. Highway 6 in Woodbine is an excellent place for long, straight flats. There is also this place on the right by a junkyward where somebody has thrown a pair of shoes and a large piece of fabric into the phone wires.
Labels: cycling, today's ride
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